Website Evaluation

Before you use information, you should make an effort to see if your source is reliable. The RADCAB acronym helps you remember what areas to address BEFORE you use the website's information. With access to so many websites, you need to be able to quickly determine which website gives you the best information. Use the form below to help you. “RADCAB” ™ A mnemonic acronym for information evaluation

Created by Karen M. Christensson, M.S. Library Media Education



Were your keywords/phrases specific and/or focused? Yes No

Did your search get you immediately to quality sites? Yes No


Is the site appropriate for your research? Yes No

Is the site appropriate for your age? Yes No

Is the information confusing or make you feel uneasy? Yes No


Is the detail you’re looking at in-depth and helpful? Yes No

Is the page well organized and easy to read? Yes No

Does the page have a “works cited” page for sources? Yes No


Does the site tell when last published or updated? Yes No

Do the links take you to active websites? Yes No


Is the author/sponsor qualifications given? Yes No

Did you find same info from other sources? Yes No


What is the general purpose for the website?

(Ex: Inform, Entertain, Persuade, Sell, etc.)

.edu .net .gov .com .org