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Cell Phone Policy

School District policy asks that students use technology responsibly, but that school administration may guide the extent of its usage within a building.  Inappropriate cell-phone use is a discipline issue. It takes away student learning time and damages both peer relationships and student/staff relationships. 

Thank you for supporting our school and our students.

Student Expectations:

  1. I understand that having a cell phone is a privilege that I will not take advantage of.

  2. I will protect my privacy and will not give my cell phone number to anyone with whom I am not familiar.

  3. I will not send inappropriate, harmful or threatening text messages, send or post any pictures or videos of anyone without my parents’ and the person’s permission.

  4. I understand that I am responsible for the safekeeping of my cell phone.

  5. It is my responsibility to report any harmful, threatening or bullying behavior (written, picture or video) to Safe2Tell, police, parents, or staff members immediately.

  6. I will have my phone off or on airplane mode and in my backpack during the school day.

  7. Failure to give your phone to school personnel is an act of defiance and may result in suspension.

Parent Expectations:

  1. I have read and will reinforce the student expectation, policy, and contract with my child.

  2. I will monitor my child’s use of his/her cell phone.

  3. I will ensure my child understands the dangers of texting/interacting with people they are unfamiliar with, posting pictures and/or videos and posting to social media.

  4. It is my responsibility to report any harmful and threatening behavior (written, picture or video) to Safe2Tell, police, or staff members immediately.

  5. I will not call my child’s cell phone during school hours as students phones will be off or on airplane mode. Result of this will be a tech violation for my child for disrupting class. Please call the office for any communication, emergency or otherwise, during school hours of 7:30 – 2:45pm. (303-387-1300)