Can I Wear This?
Developed by the Student Advisory Committee and Faculty Link Committee
School is a business-like setting where appropriate dress enhances the learning climate. We at Castle Rock Middle School feel students should learn to dress for success. Students are encouraged to dress comfortably, cleanly, and appropriately at all times. The following is our dress code policy which applies to all students and staff:
- We take pride in the appearance of our students at CRMS. We believe the way a person dresses has an effect on her/his behavior.
- My dress and grooming are my parents' and my responsibility.
- School is a business-like setting where appropriate dress enhances the learning climate. I am encouraged to dress comfortably, cleanly, and appropriately at all times. The following is our dress code which applies to all students and staff. I will abide by the following guidelines:
- Clothing will cover the 4 "B's": backs, bellies, breasts, and bottoms. Shirts should be of a length to be tucked in or worn over a belt line. Suggestive tight shorts, leggings, skirts, and tops are not appropriate. Sagging pants, pajama bottoms, and slippers are also not appropriate. Skirts and Shorts must be a reasonable length (arm length is a good guide)
- Clothing and jewelry that advertises drugs, sex, alcohol, death, suicide, gangs or negative, derogatory messages are not permitted.
- State law requires that shoes must be worn at all times.
- Hats, bandanas, dog collars and chains are inappropriate items to wear on campus or at any school function.
The administration reserves the right to change the dress code guidelines in keeping with current fashion trends. It will be considered in violation of the school dress code if my appearance is deemed inappropriate for participation in school or is disruptive to the learning environment.
Dress Policy Violations
Students that violate the above dress code guidelines will be asked to change clothes or have parents bring in other clothing for me.
Continued infractions by a student may result in a parent meeting and/or other disciplinary actions. Three strikes during a school year constitute defiance and will be treated accordingly.