Traffic Plan
- When dropping off or picking up in the lane closest to the school you must pull all the way forward to the sign marked "Pull up to Here." Students will exit or enter your car directly onto/from the sidewalk. When dropping off in the "parking aisle" please pull forward to the marked walk zone before dropping off or picking up your student. In this way they can cross to and from the school under the supervision of our security crossing guard.
- At no time will you be able to park, stop or wait in the area identified as the fire lane on the East side of our parking lot (marked in ////// on our map). I realize this appears to be a convenient place to wait in line, but when you stop in this lane it quickly backs up and prevents anyone else from entering the parking lot including the fire department and this is a violation, which could result in a ticket. If the drop off/pick up lane is full, continue to drive through the lot in the left lanes and queue up in our parking lot identified on the map until an opening occurs.
- When exiting our parking lot we would suggest that people exiting to the West stay in the far right lane. If exiting straight across Meadows or turning left, please exit in the second lane from the right marked with appropriate arrows. Please note that if you are turning left you will have a short green arrow where pedestrian traffic is held, but once the light turns green there will be an opportunity for pedestrian traffic to cross and of course they do have the right of way. Please pay special attention to these students.
Student Safety is most important, so thank you for being patience when dropping off or picking up your CRMS student(s).