Hybrid Learning

Hybrid Learning at CRMS (Beginning February 8, 2021


Our hybrid schedule has students in the building two days a week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday.  All classes are remote on Fridays for all students.  In our new hybrid schedule, students are required to log in to their classes each day they are at home and participate virtually from home.  They will follow the same bell schedule as the students in the school.  

In order to maintain safety, Castle Rock Middle School will continue to implement safety protocols for our students and staff.  These protocols are fluid and subject to change based on any new information or recommendations.


Hybrid Model

  • All Students assigned to a cohort
    • Cohort A: Silver Cohort
      • In person learning Monday and Wednesday
      • Synchronous learning at home Tuesday and Thursday
      • Friday synchronous learning from home
    • Cohort B: Blue cohort
      • In person learning Tuesday and Thursday
      • Synchronous learning at home Monday and Wednesday
      • Friday synchronous learning from home
  • Monday and Wednesday A groups are designated silver days
  • Monday and Wednesday A groups are designated SILVER days
  • Tuesday and Thursday B groups are designated BLUE days
  • Fridays will be eLearning days. Students will follow guidance from the teacher during each class period. This may include: virtual teaching, group work, student support, class communication or student feedback.
  • All students will follow the Hybrid Bell Schedule either at home or in person.
  • Attendance will be taken in the first 5 minutes of class for all students.
  • Google Classroom will be our learning management system for all classes.

Hybrid Experiences

Teachers and students will actively engage in daily, live, synchronous interaction.

The duration and focus of virtual instruction is dependent on the daily instructional model, content being addressed, and the appropriateness/accessibility of the in-person assignment, activity, lab, interaction in the virtual environment.


All three of the experiences (below) are appropriate and interchangeable within the hybrid learning environment and depend on the scope and sequence of the class, the content being uncovered, accessibility of materials and/or the classroom learning plan.


Experience 1

Direct Concurrent Instruction: Teacher actively begins class with all students.  Instruction continues for the duration of class with students (in-person and virtual) doing the same thing at the same time. 

Ex: Math Teacher is actively teaching all in-person and virtual students simultaneously

Engagement: FULL class involvement (lecture, discussion, presentation debate, etc)


Experience 2

Synchronous Instruction and Practice: Teacher actively begins class with all students.  Following a period of direct instruction for all students (in-person and virtual), the teacher then continues teaching and providing feedback to students in the in-person and virtual environments.  All students continue to progress with content and skill development aligned to the daily objective at home.  The Google Meet remains open in this format and students at home are able to reconnect video or log back in (if they logged out) to seek additional support/feedback from the classroom teacher as needed.

Ex: English teacher starts class with announcements, important info, objective of the day, new instruction, and gets everyone started. In-Person students work in class with teacher support, virtual students work at home with teacher support.

Engagement: FULL class involvement.  All students present, but not necessarily engaging continuously with the teacher or peers for the duration of class.

Experience 3

Student/Independent Synchronous: Teacher actively begins class with all students.  Following a period of direct instruction for all students (in-person and virtual), Instruction in the form of hands-on activity or dependent on specific materials only available in the classroom then continues for in-person students.  Virtual students have alternate assignment, or task, directly linked to the classroom content standards being addressed for home completion.  All students (in-person and virtual) will complete both lessons as they rotate through the in-person and at home block periods.  Students have the option to log out of the virtual environment after the whole class opening. The Google Meet remains open in this format and students at home are able to log back in and seek support/feedback from the classroom teacher as needed.

Ex: Art Teacher checks in with all students (in person and virtual).

  • Students in class begin work on an engagement involving specific paints, clay or materials only accessible in the classroom.
  • Students at home begin or work on an alternate task focused on similar principles of art and using materials that can be easily found at home or works to prepare for the in person time.

Ex: Science Teacher checks in and introduces / advances a specific content based on topic with all students (in person and virtual).

  • Students in class conduct laboratory investigation
  • Students at home focus on on the content begin addressed through research, lab process writing, or data analysis / conclusion development.

General Guidelines for Students

  • Students will have temperature and symptom checks at home each morning before arriving at school.
  • All students are required to wear a face covering (provided by parents) that covers the nose and wraps under the chin. The only exception is when students are outside or have an approved exemption due to a medical condition. 
  • Students will be split into team cohorts.
  • Students will sanitize hands throughout the day.
  • No assemblies or other all-school gatherings.

General Guidelines for Parents

  • All parent meetings will be held virtually unless approved by an administrator.
  • No visitors or volunteers until guidelines change.
  • All pick up or drop off items will be done at the front door.
  • Increased sanitation supplies will be available throughout common areas and classrooms.
  • There is a specific location in the office to immediately isolate any students or staff experiencing COVID symptoms until they are able to leave the building.

Before School

  • Building access for students will open at 6:30 a.m. each morning. 
  • Students who arrive between the times of 6:30 - 7:00 a.m. will arrive through the front doors and will be sitting at team tables in the commons supervised by CRMS staff.
  • Students may eat breakfast at assigned tables in commons.
  • At 7:00 a.m., students will enter the school through their pod doors and stay in their pods. Seventh-graders will enter the doors below their pod and move directly upstairs.
  • At 7:25 a.m. students will have a staggered release to their first period class.

After School

  • Students will have a staggered release by the first floor and second floor of the building. 
  • Students in pod areas will go out the pod doors. 
  • Main area classrooms will be released out the nearest exit. 
  • Students attending clubs or athletics will go directly to their assigned rooms.
During the School Day

Common Areas

  • Hallways are directional.
  • If entering or leaving a team area, students will wash hands or use hand sanitizer. 
  • Staircases within the school are directional and clearly marked.

Core Classes

  • Distancing: Students will be seated 3-6 feet apart in all classrooms either at desks or tables. 
  • Sanitization: When students leave the team area to go to electives, lunch or wellness, students will be asked to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands. 
  • Technology: Students will be assigned a Chromebook and will not share it with others.  Families may provide their own device in lieu of the school issued device.

Elective Classes

  • Cohorting: When students are in an elective class, they will be seated near other students from their same team and will be assigned by the teacher.

PE / Conditioning and Wellness Classes

  • Lockers: Lockers will not be used during PE.  Students will need to carry all PE clothes in their backpacks.


  • Students will enter into the lunch room on a staggered schedule.
  • Seating is marked off in order to maximize social distancing in the commons. 
  • Students will be in assigned seats in the commons.
  • The lunch will be grab and go style. Students will have a mask on until they sit at their table and begin eating. Once they are done eating, students must put their mask back on. 
  • There will be two lunch lines to purchase a school lunch and they will be designated by team.
  • When outdoor recess is announced, students will have the option to go outside and will have a staggered release. There will be no outdoor equipment during this time.